No disrespect intended but if you go to any pub in Scotch land you will find upon the bar a water jug. In some bars you will even find a small fawcet on the bar top. The jugs of course have always been a target for trophy hunters.Some very bad men even delight in having large collections of these items. The point behind the water is that at bottle strength the alcohol content will tend to flash in the mouth thereby masking the nose and flavour. try this with any Islay whisky esp Laphroaig.... fill your usual measure sniff /taste add 10% water sniff /taste and so on and not in a hurry. the bouquet will start to expand significantly. Check out the web for whisky jugs you will get a shock the price some fetch. Ice is just square water and of course the chill just subdues the alcohol flashing off and the aroma.

Speakers. these were the result of sheer practicality as you can see the bass driver is tight as tight can be. vol is still 57 litres so the alignment had to be got right. They now image wonderfully as you would expect. cant say that I have noticed any particular abberation in the mid to low transition. i'm sure you could measure something but subjectively they are smoooth detailed and very extended. x/over is stock although since you mention it with the lf being so near the ground some of the padding in the upper prts of the network could probably be removed. perhaps 3db worth. this would have the added benefit of giving the amp an easier time. The only beef I would have is that there is a slight papery sound on vocals. i suspect that the 2105 cones are prime suspect here. i guess that later cone varients addressed that issue, poly in the 240Ti etc. I might try slapping some bitumen on them. My cabs are 25mm hardwood ply and the baffle is 40 mm solid oak. internal braces across the way. You will like this. . . the wadding in the mf and hf chambers is the undercoat moult as provided by my Bearded collie dog.Just like mohair. I binned the pots and replaced them with HQ resistors. Used speakon connector simply because it is xlnt and neat. nice gassing with you.