Westlake found the original setup for my HRX crossover. I and others have always wondered why they cross the 2441 to the 2426 at 4.5k. Turns out it's actually 3.5k! When I get a chance I will try these exact settings on the Deqx's.

1. HR-1x S/N: 033
Date of Manufacture: ~8-20-85
Xover Frequency Slopes: Woofer - Hi 230Hz
Mid Woofer - Lo 230Hz
Mid Woofer - Hi 1300Hz
Mid Woofer +2.1dB @500Hz
Mid Horn - Lo 1300Hz
Mid Horn - Hi 3500Hz
Mid Horn -8.5dB @2000Hz
Tweeter - Lo 3500Hz
+/-dB Measurements from 0dB Reference Level:
Woofer +1.5dB @40Hz
Mid Woofer +2.1dB @500Hz
Mid Horn -8.5dB @2000Hz
Tweeter -2.0dB @10kHz
