They were the good old days.

I wonder is Steve K could give is an indication on the legacy sales in Japan at the moment. There appears to be a multitude of Japanese web based dealers selling both the 4311- 43XX monitors.

There were only two dealers in my city that sold JBL as you put it. Instrol Hifi and Encels. Encels held the 4315's up to the 4340's during the 70's and Instrol took on the domestic series like the Decade and L166 and Jubals but they then bought in the BGW range of power amps and held the 4350 for while. Encles were really big in the Luxman range but I never felt they did JBL justice.

What got me was in the early 80s'you had to go to Sydney to see and hear JBL, the distribution was fragemented to say the least.

However there was a dealer that later sold the L250 over in Whitehorse Road Balwyn but the name ecapes me for teh moment..Intersound. They were a nice bunch in there and really lived for JBL! They also had the larger Infinity systems and Phase Linear amps early on.

Michael Smith maybe able to comment further on Intersound and JBL.