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Thread: In-depth DVD and movie reviews - the JBL sound!

  1. #1
    JBL 4645

    In-depth DVD and movie reviews - the JBL sound!

    They’re here.

    Another pleasing dish or disc that I saw on my walkabout this morning was “Poltergeist” so this will be playing on the JBL sound system, here this week knock on wood as I’m a little strapped for dosh at the moment.

    “Poltergeist” played exclusively in 70mm Dolby stereo and I hope the re-mastering of the Dolby film mix lives up to high standards and that they keep to the original mix as it was so great sounded along with (Jerry Goldsmith’s) chilling score.

    There was plenty of region 2 discs on the shelves so I don’t see it disappearing I’ll be patient until Wednesday.

  2. #2
    JBL 4645

    In-depth DVD and movie reviews - the JBL sound!

    Well I’ve viewed it head it and felt it and I can’t fault this one in any department its, sound. Some re-mixes that often turn up on DVD yes, are really naff, but this one is perfect throughout the running time. The opening starts off with the national anthem, that played over all channels and then fades into the centre channel with isolated discreteness on the rest of the channels, cool.

    Dialogue panning of “Coral Anne” over to the front right channel well the centre is free in the Dolby 5.1 mix, the Dolby 4.2.4 mix common to crosstalk has part of child’s yelling, its also head on the monaural surround. So no there wasn’t any fault. Chapter 10 has a few bumps and rumblings that occasionally come in on the LFE.1 to add a little support. Most of the rumblings was coming from the matching three-screen JBL control 5 and 1 arrays that is set-up in the active crossover mode performed marvellously even at moderate high sound pressure levels, tornado sound effects and other ghostly sounds in the children’s bedroom. Toys and other items being sucked into the other world…

    Image framed at 2.40:1 exhibited a slight loss around 15% on the Toshiba CRT, TV monitor, I noticed the loss when I compared the screen capture taken from the pc DVD-Rom player. Only a good video projector would be a final solution, something I’ll have to wait for at a later time.

  3. #3
    JBL 4645

    Scream that head off "Carol Anne!"

    After going over it and over there’s nothing wrong with this sequence with “Coral Anne” getting pulled into the other side between this world and ghostly world. Lots of rumbling going on outside the house with the tornado, while in the bedroom all hell is being unleashed! My heart goes out for (Heather O'Rourke) for that loud (screen scream) what a scream chocks me up the last scream does has she clings on for dear life but the suction force is just too great…

    The strings and mild percussion choir voices orchestrate a wild cinematic sequence, has she desperately screams out for her mommy and no longer able to hold on to the bed, she’s whisked away into the other.

    37 miniutes.11 seconds a nice deep rolling wave of LFE.1 support sucks “Carol Anne” into the closet!

    With a few beds bumping around on the floor and against the closet door “Carol Anne’s” now on the other side with no way of getting back?

  4. #4
    JBL 4645

    Smile Surround moments from “Poltergeist.”

    Note: The surround effects on the Dolby stereo 4.2.4 mix are faint sounding when compared to the Dolby six-track version.

    When “Freeling” opens the child’s bedroom door the first sounds that appear is distant on the monaural surrounds, the sound of some cogs winding around as the camera gets near and then shows the POV the monaural surrounds go mute for short duration, this is normal in six-track mixes.

    POV shot

    monaural surrounds still muted

    As the bedside lamp pulls away there’s a sound of moving towards the fronts from the (monaural surrounds) the Hulk on a hoarse it then later pulls away from the paranormal investigators.

    Then goes mute for a brief moment until a book appears flapping and the pages in front of the investigators, while they look in total amazement at what is happening in the room.

    A compass creates a threatening moment as it heads straight towards “Dr. Lesh” startled she covers her face!

    If you listen real hard, you’ll here a (Tie-fighter) flying around the room amongst the cacophony of assorted sounds overlapping one another. Look to the left and side se the (Tie-fighter) slightly above the record!

  5. #5
    JBL 4645

    Smile Surround moments from “Poltergeist” continued.

    The monaural surrounds then go mute, while in Dolby stereo 4.2.4 this would be constant due to the crosstalk from fronts left and right and centre channel.

    Well that was a rather short but exhausting post, time for a cup of tea now.

  6. #6
    JBL 4645

    Thumbs up DIE HARD 4.0 WITH A JOLT! Region 2 DVD

    I think I would have enjoyed this more at the Empire Leicester square in THX rather than Transformers. The plot is computer hacking and a few young recruits have been hired by “Thomas Gabriel” (Timothy Olyphant) who is now bumping off all possible traceable links. Now there’s only a few left. When Det. John McClane (Bruce Willis) is called to bring a hacker “Matthew Farrell” played by (Justin Long) in for questioning by the FBI all hell breaks lose at the apartment with rapped machinegun fire explosions and lots of body punches, you know your in for a good few hours of popcorn fun.

    Sound splendidly blended along clear dialogue sound effects and music that sonically roared with riveting pulsating jolt that was also comfortable even at 85dbA while lows slammed kicked and dropped down with depth at 110dbc, when call for.

    This is DIE HARD reference benchmark martial for Andy Nelson and Anna Behlmer, possible academy award nomination for sound and sound effects editing, for next year. The bonus disc 2 “Aanlog hero in the digital world making of LIVE FREE DIE HARD” shows how the film was put together, I think Len Wiseman did a terrific job lots and lots of action to wet all DIE HARD fans aperture whether its stunts model work pyrotechnics photograph or sound there’s enough here to last many topics.

  7. #7
    JBL 4645
    The car scene chapter 15 and 16 is wildly aggressive with jolts kicks and slamming into concrete. When a car swerves to one side, when all of a suddenly its thrown into midair and heading towards McClane and Farrell, the overall scene quickly drops down to a sonic rolling depth of 25Hz @120dbc on the LFE.1 where some parts of low end was reproduced via the second sub bass for screen and surround low end extension.

    After hearing and feeling Transformers at the Empire Leicester square where one of the transformers rolls though midair where sound goes dull for a few seconds where the LFE.1 low end pressure builds up, practically pressing on you and vibrating the seating. I think I would have enjoyed DIE HARD more than Transformers at the Empire, anyway this is the test that I’ll be using when Transformers goes on region 2 DVD realise in December 3rd.

  8. #8
    JBL 4645
    One of the best sounding Dolby mixes I’ve heard so far this year for an action adventure and only JBL make its sound good.

  9. #9
    JBL 4645

    Thumbs up Inside Man region 2 DVD

    "Why don’t you just walk outside the door?"

    "I will. I’m gonna walk out of that door when I’m good and ready."

    Brought this was told it was cool and cool it and it was with a clever twist It’s the perfect bank heist, planed to perfection with a all around good performances Denzel Washington, Clive Owen, Jodie Foster, head the cast.

    Highly recommended this Spike Lee Joint film nicely paced a good evening’s entertainment, with a cleverly formed twist at the end which even fooled me with a cheerful smile.

    Sound was cool even with dynamic range compression turned on because it was rather late but I’ll give this a second viewing over the weekend at 0db THX reference level. Dialogue sound effects and music remained well balanced throughout, surrounds simply provided atmospheric effect while most of the action was up front.

  10. #10
    JBL 4645
    Well besides raining cats and dogs outside here in sunny Bournemouth today, I braved the elements of force blustery winds to search for “Who’s that Girl” Dolby 5.1 £10.00 not one single store around this dismal town. Will I did manage to order it for a home delivery should be playing here this week coming up.

    I also picked up a few other bountiful of goody items The Piano“ Dolby 5.1 £5.00 and the Rambo trilogy unfortunately each film is only in Dolby stereo but that shouldn’t diminish the show. This country is still awaiting Dolby 5.1 version which went on sale in the US about 18 or so mouths ago.

    Anyway just warming up the home cinema with some Madonna at the moment then I’ll analyze the Dolby film mixes over.

  11. #11
    JBL 4645

    Smile The Piano region 2 DVD

    The Piano, this is the second viewing of this award winning film since I first was it back in 1992. set in 1850 when a lady and her child move to New Zealand so that she can marry a wealthy landowner. It’s a strange ole film and the nice settings on the beach when Ada (Holy hunter) and her daughter, Flora (Anna Paquin) are both enjoying themselves, it’s a kind of an iconic moment and musical sound of the piano is loud.

    The DVD states on the back cover, (feature, digitally restored and re-mastered) the image looks wonderfully sharp and clear, but there’s only one issue I have and that is the Dolby 5.1 mix. Originally it was realised in Dolby stereo, [SR] type I’m guessing due to the year.

    I’ll start with the fronts LCR, was a strange sounding and it’s the first time I’ve encounter some parts of the centralized mix wonder off to left and right, thou the (levels are several db down ) the centre channel does focus the sound effects and music but its most the dialogue, where we take it for grated in a Dolby 5.1 mix, that everything will perfectly isolated and discrete.

    I used a few (home cinema techniques) to minimize this distraction with the use of Dolby pro-logic decoder plugged in line between left and right and used the pro-logic mode to reduce the level of wondering dialogue on left and right. At the same time I can send part of the phantom centre channel and (piggyback) it onto the centre channel. If one was to listen, they would no what I did, to make it sound just a little bit better.

    The surrounds where monaural but discrete from interference form the fronts. At times they had a weird tendency, to be just a little bit loud and with all channel being (set-up with wideband pink noise) SPL db and RTA microphone, the surround mix can get a bit loud particularly on the end credits where it can literally overwhelm the fronts! So a few changes where made with the use of (surround fader) helped to clam the surrounds down.

    Music by Michael Nyman is memorable as you can find this tune on (Youtube) which is one of the reasons why I hunted down the DVD in the first place.

    LFE.1 sounded and felt a little artifice as if it was filtered from the fronts and just added to the mix for dramatic enhancement, still it was quite entertaining to watch over again it could have been worse with, VHS PAL.

    There is an audio commentary session with Jane Champion and Jan Campman this is a single disc version while the 2 disc DVD contains more extras.

    In a word it sounded delightful on the JBL sound system.

  12. #12
    Senior Member DanMan's Avatar
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    Feb 2007
    hi 4645;

    how did you get those widescreen pictures to come out so well? are those digital camera pictures of your tv or did you grab them from your pc?

  13. #13
    JBL 4645
    Morning DanMan

    I view the film over on the (CRT TV monitor) at first then take the film to the (pc for screen capturing) and select the scene that trilled me to bits, or what ever it may be.

  14. #14
    Senior Member DanMan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    thanks for the info. looks like yet another advantage to using a mac

  15. #15
    Moderator hjames's Avatar
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    NoVA - DC 'burbs
    Quote Originally Posted by DanMan View Post
    thanks for the info. looks like yet another advantage to using a mac
    PowerMac screen captures shown here (from DivX downloads via BT)
    2ch: WiiM Pro; Topping E30 II DAC; Oppo, Acurus RL-11, Acurus A200, JBL Dynamics Project - Offline: L212-TwinStack, VonSchweikert VR-4
    7: TIVO, Oppo BDP103D, B&K, 2pr UREI 809A, TF600, JBL B460

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