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Thread: Trying to learn about equalizers - analog and digital - help please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Yellowknife, NWT, Canada

    Trying to learn about equalizers - analog and digital - help please

    It has been awhile since I have been at LH.
    On to the matter at hand...
    I am 50 and my ears are shot on the top end from flying in small planes. I am considering trying to add an eq to my system to offset the hearing loss based on recent hearing tests results I have My system is currently a simple analogue 2 way system which I must say has recently benefited immensely from a pair of Rick's 4344's !!! They are simply stunning to listen to - thanks Rick - big time thanks.
    I understand from my internet searches that the meyer cp10 is the way to go if going analogue. I was looking at this Yamaha YDP2006 and considering using it in my system but can find no credible comment as to the quality of its output/analog circuits. The Behringer (as Bo's eyes rollback yet again..) DEQ2496 is fun to play with but its analog side is simply awful/unlistenable. (I do not have an outboard DAC at this time)

    If someone would offer comments as to quality of the YDP's analog output or generally advise if I should stay with meyer cp 10 if eq'ing in analog, I would sure appreciate it. If there is a good digital eq folks would recommend I would consider modifying my system to accommodate it. Any pointers on where to learn more about pro/con of digital vs analogue eq'ing for simple 2 way audio would also be welcome.


    Last edited by chilledspode; 10-08-2012 at 12:10 PM. Reason: Edits based on new technical understanding...

  2. #2
    Administrator Mr. Widget's Avatar
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    San Francisco
    Sounds like what you need is a simple shelving type of EQ... basically a tone control that gives you some HF boost. Why not look at preamps with a decent tone control? I don't think you need or want the power of the Meyer or any of the digital devices.


  3. #3
    Senior Member grumpy's Avatar
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    I'd continue with a caution that parametric EQ's (whether digital or analog) are
    tools for specific problems... and make rather poor tone controls. I say that as
    their nature is such that both a fair amount of training and measuring equipment
    is required for them to be used... real-time tweaks to shape source is best left
    to other tools.

    If you can -find- a Meyer VX-1, that might be more useful (still has a learning curve).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Yellowknife, NWT, Canada
    Thank you both for the replies.
    In retrospect and due to my lack of experience in this field of endeavour, I probably over simplified my explanation of what I was looking for/hoping to achieve.
    I have started dabbling in RTA of my system - nothing sophisticated but it does allow me to put numbers to subjective aspects of what I am hearing.
    Break - it never ceases to amaze me how hard it is to ask the right questions when you are totally out of your element...
    I want to learn about room response and try to understand what a flat response might sound like and then go on to try to account for my hearing loss to achieve a theoretical flat response that is just for my ears.
    I have started by acquiring TrueRtA (is SMART better?) with a calibrated mic and a DEQ2496 (but the analog signal path leaves me wanting)
    I have little knowledge about how I should be going about this little journey - any and all comments welcome.
    Cheers and thank you for your time.

  5. #5
    Senior Member grumpy's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    Somewhere here there's a thread regarding recommended reading... likely including F. Alton Everest's book,
    and which should probably be updated to include a new one from Ethan Winer ... both intended for
    in-depth subject discussion, but lighter on the derivations and formulae.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Yellowknife, NWT, Canada
    Thanks for pointer - a quick Internet search for Mr Everest shows several books and clearly a couple of them are beyond my capability but a couple look like I could get through - which were you thinking of?

    the ones that standout to me were:
    Successful Sound System Operation
    The New Stereo Soundbook
    Acoustic Techniques for Home & Studio

    Off to look into the other author you mentioned..
    Thank you for the assistance


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Yellowknife, NWT, Canada
    Can I assume this is the LH thread you were referring to

    I am getting through it now....

    Cheers and thanks


  8. #8
    Senior Member 1audiohack's Avatar
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    Las Vegas Nevada

    Smaart vs,,,

    Hi Chilledspode;

    I don't know how far you want to go down the measurement road. RTA is one step beyond an SPL meter, both of which are great and useful tools but basic. The jump to Smaart, ARTA or TEF requires more and more from the user.

    As a quick answer to your question, in my opinion, Smaart is not near as well suited to acoustical work in small spaces as TEF or ARTA, TEF is my favorite (for small room acoustics) but by a wide margin the most expensive and is more demanding of the user.

    Based on my experience owning the above three systems, were I to buy one for home use, it would be ARTA. With a good USB Pre and a decent measurement mic (not a $49.00 Behringer) you can keep it under a $1000 USD.

    Never to be one to dissuade, I am compelled to say that collecting useful acoustical data, especially in small spaces is not a trivial task, even for the practiced.

    Flame suit on? Check. EQ's are phenomenally powerful tools and when used within a linear system are capable of more that just shaping the frequency response, when the magnitude response is flattened, so is the time response. The argument of horrible phase abberations being caused by EQ, weather parametric or graphic when used in a linear system just does not hold water. Spending a couple of hours with an EQ and an FFT (which you will need to use an EQ to anywhere near its potential anyway) is highly recomended. Finding one that sounds like a wire (when flat) is another story.

    I hope this helps, a bit anyway.

    All the best,
    If we knew what the hell we were doing, we wouldn't call it research would we.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006

    here's some stuff to read

    I've been boning up on eq's too.

    this is as handy as a pocket on a shirt when it comes to actually using one

    this has good info even if you're not interested in this particular eq

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