Hi, just wanted to create a thread where people on this forum who use SETs and analog owners could list their amps and speakers?I just returned from a visit to Jeanir Hiraga and his friends in France last week, and my hunger to get a good Altec has gone up again. Ideally I love the 817 type dual FLHs (dual woofer front loaded horns), but am aware my next house purchase (or flat in London, rather) might not house that big a cabinet, given space in London is always hard. Therefore, am still on the lookout for A5s or smaller speakers like TAD 2404, but I haven't heard these done well yet. I heard Mr. Hiraga's A5, and it sounded great, but was only connected to his digital playback. I am interested in auditioning using analog only, as I have a nice collection of good LP recordings.I am quite willing to travel to listen. I do prefer SETs, though a dual woofer FLH at Hiraga's friend's place sounded brilliant on the Kaneda replica amp. As this forum is a big community, a list of those who evaluate their systems with analog and SETs could be helpful in narrowing down those whose evaluation might be more similar than different.