Thank You guys, and Tim: didn't mean to highjack your thread, sorry!
I'm impressed with your "using-ordinary-screws-and-drill-holes-in-the-horn"-solution, why didnt I come up with that? Guess I know now why I'll never get a Nobel-prize...

I'm also very interested in Quicksilvers amps. When I first heard about them (from someone on this forum, Widget maybe???) a couple of years ago they were not allowed to sell me any amps because the amps were not tested and approved by the european electric security department (bad english but you get the drift...) but now I see they have distributors around the globe, including Germany, so thats great news!!!

Love your country!!! Spent last summer driving around the highlands and visited Skye and Glen Coe amongst a lot of other places and Edinburg: what a lovely city! And the people are so friendly and humouristic. Guess that's why the vikings so often turned their longboats in that direction