I've wanted to upgrade my Altec Model 19 Crossovers so 2 weeks ago I removed them from the cabinets, removed the plate that held the old electronics and had a larger plate made to attach the new larger caps and resistors. I'm using the original iron core inductors and keeping the original L-pads just transfering them to the new plate.
I used the old crossover plate with everything still attached as a template and then attached all the new electronics (Foil caps) in the same position on the new plate as the originals. I checked and then rechecked to be sure that everything was identical to the original. After reinstalling them today....nothing, not a sound. I can solder pretty well but really have a grade school level of electronic education and experience. Suggestions on where to go from here for the obvious amateur. I'm in the Portland Oregon area so any help from a local or a local tech, in addition to any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.