Quote Originally Posted by sebackman View Post
First impression with a cheap-and-dirty DSP curve is very promising. I think one of the main advantages of the large format driver and the 4367 wave guide is that horn load extends down to the 500Hz region. The drivers has rising impedance from about 650Hz and XO at 700Hz is probably about right. I dialed in some LR24 with a few EQ points, guesstimate delays and adjusted phase and that was not half-bad. I run mono in the workshop for initial tests. Beyond that I really like the matched 2451 cores with the 475Nd diaphragms. That combo seem to love the newer JBL wave guides.The 2216 just loves power and my smaller shop amps is no match for my down-ported 2216Nd-1's. The current it can provide is just not enough. I had the same experience with the woofer in the LSR 6332 (252G 4 ohms), they just needed a big amp to come to life even on low volumes.Will bring down my normal ref Genelecs and LSR6332's tomorrow just to get a better feel for potential differences. The next few weeks will be getting a good DSP file in order. Exciting times.Have nice weekend//Rob
Rob, excellent work, as usual. What is the net volume of the enclosure? What amp/s have you been testing with that you don't feel have enough power? Do you think the 2216ND would work as well as the -1 in the same enclosure?