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Thread: The JBL 4345 Club

  1. #1
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    The JBL 4345 Club

    Some members have mooted why we do not have JBL 4345 Club.

    Well we are not aware of that many owners on the Forums.

    However there are some potential benefits of forming a club such as sharing technical help, upgrades and the opportunity to communicate with other JBL 4345 owners.

    So for those members who are currently owners you may wish to register you interest.

    There appears to be a raft of posters who are more intent on watering down the prestige of owning these magnificant monitors of late.

    We are not interesting in those members identifying themselves here.

    For this reason you may wish remain private and send me a pm rather than post here.

    This club will remain exclusive to 4345 owners or those currently in the process of building the 4345 to JBL specifications.

  2. #2
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    JBL 4345
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Ducatista47's Avatar
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    Ian, I might suggest that former owners, if Subwoof is any example, may have a lot to offer in the way of ideas and assistance. I imagine Ken may have some valuable opinions as well. Didn't he own a pair before his Westlakes crowded them out of the house?

    Clark in Peoria
    Information is not Knowledge; Knowledge is not Wisdom
    Too many audiophiles listen with their eyes instead of their ears

  4. #4
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    I welcome all feeback. That which was deleted was obviously "stupid" noise.

    Yeah well given recent events someone like Ken might qualify for an honorary life membership.

    Good ideas to all who are interested.

    I was only testing the waters. I just think there is merit in there being a "focus" in specialities like this.

    Its unfortunately that we have so many members but such few active posters and the ratio is growing at an exponential rate.

    No doubt there are more owners or former owners we would like to hear from

  5. #5
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    I had to think of a way to filter out the usual spam we usually get in these types of situations. The intent was not to make you react they way you did. I Read your post and it does not bother me in the least.

    I also wanted to make a distinction of are you in or are you out in your own words. You are by your own admission out and that is fine.

    There is nothing wrong with a diy variation as long as the distinction is made with the original design in the technical sense specifically.

    This is one of the key reasons DIY was split from the technical forums and whole gist of this is about preservation of Lansing Heritage of JBL designs per say.

    About the 4345 its actually taken a hell of a lot of effort over the past 3 or 4 years by only a handful of members to gather up all the information and do the technical research into this perhaps little known model and to bring it forward to where it is today in terms of awareness on the forums.

    If you think you can pick all of that in 3 months you are obvisously an exceptionally gift designer.

    Otherwise its very easy to pass off something as just another model in the line. Sadly this is what tends to happen and people in their passion and haste can pass over what it was and is without an inckling of it was really about.

  6. #6
    Senior Member saeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian Mackenzie
    Some members have mooted why we do not have JBL 4345 Club.

    However there are some potential benefits of forming a club such as sharing technical help, upgrades and the opportunity to communicate with other JBL 4345 owners.

    So for those members who are currently owners you may wish to register you interest.

    There appears to be a raft of posters who are more intent on watering down the prestige of owning these magnificant monitors of late.

    We are not interesting in those members identifying themselves here.

    For this reason you may wish remain private and send me a pm rather than post here.

    This club will remain exclusive to 4345 owners or those currently in the process of building the 4345 to JBL specifications.
    Hello Ian: I'm affraid I'm lost in trying to understand the issues here.

    How will this New "Exclusive 4345 Club" work? Will the members have a special password they can use to access a special 4345 section of this "Public" forum - set up exclusively for 4345 Club Members only. Will there be a court with a king, queen and wards? It's been some time since I've had a pair of 4345's but if there will be a secret handshake for clubmembers, I'll definately be looking for a pair so I can join.

    For all owner's of 4345's who want to discuss the many attributes and the design of this fine monitor I would suggest using the "DIY" or "Technical" areas provided within the LHS Forum Structure. What's wrong with sharing 4345 info with all forum members - like all other JBL info is shared with "all" forum members? For "Top Secret" matters they can simply converse and share information via "PM".

  7. #7
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    It was special moment when I met Bo and heard his 4345's.

    Yes I was convinced and I still am.

    It was worth the long journey across the Pacific and a hair raising 30 mile car chase on roads in a foreign land I had never before seen.

    Such is the wild west.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by riessen
    Hello Ian: I'm affraid I'm lost in trying to understand the issues here.

    How will this New "Exclusive 4345 Club" work? Will the members have a special password they can use to access a special 4345 section of this "Public" forum - set up exclusively for 4345 Club Members only. Will there be a court with a king, queen and wards? It's been some time since I've had a pair of 4345's but if there will be a secret handshake for clubmembers, I'll definately be looking for a pair so I can join.

    For all owner's of 4345's who want to discuss the many attributes and the design of this fine monitor I would suggest using the "DIY" or "Technical" areas provided within the LHS Forum Structure. What's wrong with sharing 4345 info with all forum members - like all other JBL info is shared with "all" forum members? For "Top Secret" matters they can simply converse and share information via "PM".

    Rick..nice to hear from you.

    Well I don't think there needs to be a corporate structure a such.

    Its more Sunday school gathering of like minded people who believe in what they have or had or aspire to and to share experiences.

    Yes I think it would be appropriate figure out where to have it. Ideally all the technical stuff should go in the Techncial forums and obviously this would become a useful reference for restorations etc. The actual projects might better be in the Diy forums.

    A specific thread like this is cool for a I said the inital reference was a filter and a focus.

    If it as felt there was a need for special place and there was justification it might be considered.

    What might be useful is photo gallery "collection" and a private pm or email steam for anything else.

  9. #9
    Senior Member alskinner's Avatar
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    Building a clone of the 4344 has been one of the most challenging and rewarding endeavers I've undertaken. The one thing that helped more than anything was Ian's and Bo's Building the 4344/4345 threads and Giskards work on the crossover. Also, Not only was the thread an excellent step by step instruction on building the boxes but the amount of time taken by the individuals to remain true to the original design was much appreciated by me. But, the one thing that made the thread so good was that it stayed for the most part on target without the usual off topic rhetoric that destroys so many good threads. After two years into the project I have got the 2245hs to build the 4345. One thing I did find is the 2122h is essential, I tried every other 10" imaginable and nothing gells the system like the 2122h. I have a deep respect for the original designer and the amount of research and effort it took to make this outstanding speaker. Can it be made better, possibly, but for me to have the orignial design down pat, will be the only way I'll know. I for one would like to see a section devoted to the purity of the 4345.

  10. #10
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    Hi Al,

    Purity, the sums it up beautifully.

    Nice post.


  11. #11
    Senior Member Ducatista47's Avatar
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    In that case, I can be the village idiot. Hope I can still carry a sword or a staff.

    Tell you what, Giskard. Convince Bo to sell his and I'll give it some thought.

    Information is not Knowledge; Knowledge is not Wisdom
    Too many audiophiles listen with their eyes instead of their ears

  12. #12
    Senior Member Ducatista47's Avatar
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    Not at all, sorry to offend. The drivers are better, and soon to be better yet. Greg is a genius and knows more every passing year, I'm sure. I have not heard any K2 or a 250TI, so I speak from some ignorance. But the overall synergy of the 4345 still seems to invoke superlatives from experienced listeners. I think there may be something to it.

    Reading your added material in your response, I see I owe you an apology for real. I am still pretty new here, and not an audio professional. I had little idea what you were up to, and I hope - and imagine - you will succeed, if indeed you have not already, in what I most want to see accomplished. How about I say I am really sorry, and you have even more of my respect than you had before, which was considerable. I meant to talk up my favorite speaker and its designer, and I seem to have insulted you and Greg instead. Can I still be the village idiot?

    Peace, Clark
    Information is not Knowledge; Knowledge is not Wisdom
    Too many audiophiles listen with their eyes instead of their ears

  13. #13
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    Speaking of upgrades, Are you going to talk about Diaphragms? Huhmmm

    In recent times I would state my sword on the diaphragm as the most noteable improvement.

    I doubt whether it would be worth the trouble in the lesser 43XX designs but in the case of the 4345 it deserves a mention.

  14. #14
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    No doubt but that is privilaged information and they are not Heritage products per have been spoilt .

  15. #15
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    They are a more worthy compliment but on lesser systems possibly not.

    The 4344Mk11 used acquaplas as I recall. You know GT's thoughts on the matter and one would imagine he would use them a second time around.

    I think we should pontificate on this further for the benefit of the rest of the Order.

    Edit. The distinction seem to be more obvious on classical music were natural tones are more easily identified with greater timbre accuracy and with masses strings and percussion where the stop start of transient is much clearer.


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