Your bass is better because your amp now has total control of those woofers. I noticed that immediately when switching to the biamp setup myself, even though I'm just using wimpy 40W per channel amps.

I admit to having an ulterior motive in sending you that system to try: I'm hoping that once you get it all dialed in and balanced, you and Emma will give it some weeks of critical listening, assuming you like it enough to do so, a primary reason being that women hear differently than men, high frequencies, particularly.

You're already experiencing the "ambience" of the 100° x 100° waveguides, no doubt. No "beaming" now; if it's all working correctly, you can hear and enjoy the full frequency spectrum from just about everywhere in the room, standing, sitting, or walking around. There's still an imaging "sweet spot," but it should be somewhat more diffuse than before.

Do you miss the slot? Are the highs smooth and "natural" sounding? Do you perceive any harshness? Are the mids better than the 2420s and exponential horns produced? I'm very interested in what you hear in the system, and of course, what you ultimately conclude....