Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Widget View Post
Not exactly true. The sensitivity does increase with added woofers. Take a look at the 4350 vs. the 4333. 95.5dB vs. 93dB. Here you have identical woofers, but you gain a bit of sensitivity due to mutual coupling.

I doubt that the large JK system actually is 106dB, but then I doubt quite a lot about them.

Hello Mr widget

I am a different opinion. If I have a speaker with a 97dB/W/m Woofer, and give 1 watt performance in the box then, I have a sound pressure at 97db by 1m. If I have a speaker with 2 woofers have given each of the woofer only 1 / 2 watt. Each woofer produces only 94dB sound pressure. Both Woofer together again produce 97 dB SPL.
I think that at the definition of 1 watt little problems. 1 watt is an 8 ohm Box at 2.88 volts. Many manufacturers are now simply measuring 2.88 volts. We all know that the speaker does not ohmic resistance. If the impedance measurement for now is only 6 ohms, we have not 1 but already watts 1.38 watts, and we have a higher sound pressure.
Sorry for my bad english, its from online-translater.
