I could see splitting Repair/Modify into Restore and DIY areas
having clearer definitions... possibly an analogous split for parts (stock vs. aftermarket).

Nothing is sacred about this list; just what I recalled as being fairly regular questions.

Revisiting the welcome section (e.g., how to post pictures, including current limits,
and timeframe for editing/deleting posts) might be worth updating. Also a plain
statement about the site's raison d'ętre in the welcome area.

For me, it's something like this:

We're here to have a good time, learn a few things, share with others ...
mostly as relates to James B. Lansing's Heritage in regard to consumer (hi-fi) and pro audio history,
knowledge, and enjoyment. There is a clear bias toward older equipment and information,
but also interest and motivation in pursuing cutting-edge products and DIY
undertakings. Poke around. Ask questions. Wear a thick skin (it's the Internet). Enjoy.