Learned afterwards their return policy. Box content must be checked when carrier still there in case refused(wife received it...).They deduct the initial shipping cost to consumer from a reimbursement, and sending the stuff back to them is at consumer's expense. Meaning more loss, so not worth it. Not a large amount of money involved so I stopped the bleeding there. They're quite clever!

One day I may find some other use for that lower value "Our most affordable" China Monster Cable with plastic connectors and single shield they sent, or give it away. Retailer's web site doesn't even list that entry-level 100 series Monster Cables sent. Must keep those in their back pockets to fill orders when one takes the lure...

Possibly a little better than $2.95-3.95 RCA cables, but still far from the Legend Supreme cables ordered. Switching of the Legend speaker cable pisses me off too, but I can live with this one, speaker wire isn't as critical device in general nor in my setup. Bait & switch game. Won't see me again...