Quote Originally Posted by Ian Mackenzie View Post
...like many l am not backwards compatible after living with 15” system for 40 years.
Quote Originally Posted by Ian Mackenzie View Post
Efficiency + Displacement = Bigger more real listening experience
I too am no longer backwards compatible with small systems. Before the 813C's, I had only heard smaller format systems, typically a bookshelf two or three-way with a 6" or 8" driver with maybe a 10" subwoofer to compliment it. For nearly two decades, that was the standard I chased in pursuit of audio nirvana. The 813 took me by complete surprise. Now that I've lived with them, I'd never [willingly] go back. They've ruined every system I thought was good. I'm also a coax fan now too. I can't describe the difference in technical terms, but more life-like is what comes to mind. I'm listening to acts like Catie Curtis and Ani DiFranco just because I now appreciate their material's presentation out of the 813C's, whereas before I'd never actively listen to that stuff.