You have an impressive stock of UREI's on hand! Thanks for sharing! At my peak I had 15 of them if memory serves, maybe more...ha ha ha. I had used the A series in the theater, my father had used the C series (which eventually became part of my collection). The A's were always my favorite, I think having gown up with the Altec 604's set me that way. There was a quality to the C's that I did like a lot, I think I felt like they were a little more "forward" or "assertive". Really they all are fantastic speakers!So yeah, the soffit mounting does go a long way in making them perform...i fought doing it for a long time, but after hearing my father's in soffits, I eventually followed suit. It's definitely a commitment! My wife is very understanding though, and she loves movies, so she does reap the benefits of the system too